1. Access to Facility and Equipment
- Access to facility rooms and equipment calendars will be activated only after the completion of required training sessions.
- Access codes and passwords are personal and must not be shared under any circumstances. Both you and your Principal Investigator will be held accountable for any misuse or unauthorized access involving your credentials.
2. Billing and Fees
- Time on all MICC microscopes is billed. Usage fees are designed to cover the cost of service contracts and general system maintenance.
3. Hardware Protocols
- Users must follow the designated Turn ON and Turn OFF hardware protocols to ensure proper operation and longevity of the equipment.
4. Data Storage
- Local hard disks are not intended for data storage. Users are required to remove their data after each session. Hard disks may be wiped without prior notice.
- Personal USB flash drives are strictly prohibited. Instead, MICC-provided hard drives must be used for data transfer.
5. Room Regulations
- Only lab coats are allowed in the microscope rooms. Gloves are not permitted, as the microscopes are maintained as ‘clean’ equipment.
6. Reporting Issues
- Users must leave all equipment exactly as they found it. If you encounter a problem with a microscope or notice evidence of improper usage, immediately notify the MICC team.