MAY 2024

Coimbra, Portugal, 16 May, 2024

MICRODay – National Microscopy Day, is a national initiative launched in 2019 by the Portuguese Platform of Bioimaging (PPBI) and the University of Algarve, through the Centre for Biomedical Research. This event aims to invite schools to visit the national microscopy units, running guided demonstrations to promote microscopy and disseminate the knowledge in the field of Life Sciences and Bioimage.

CNC joins the PPBI and invites high schools to visit MICC and to attend lectures with the aim of showing the breakthroughs and technological capabilities of current microscopy.

Introduction to QuPath - 3rd Edition (PPBI)

Coimbra, Portugal, 27-29 May, 2024

This course intends to give a brief introduction (Theoretical & Practical) to the use of QuPath (free open-source software for “Quantitative Pathology”) for analysis of tile & stitched large image datasets, such as those obtained at slide scanners from the Histopathology and Bioimaging Units.

The course will include:

  1. Introduction to image analysis basic concepts (27th May)
  2. Introduction to QuPath software (28th-29th May)
  3. Data visualization and representation 
  4. Image segmentation
  5. Classification with machine learning
  6. Brief introduction to deep learning with QuPath extensions and automatization with groovy workflows
  7. Exercises



  • Application deadline: 12 May 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2024


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