PALM MicroBeam employs the LMPC method (Laser Microdissection and Pressure Catapulting) to extract biological material of interest out of a tissue specimen. The Zeiss P.A.L.M. system employs a UV laser pulsed microbeam to cut the desired material and the isolated tissue is then recovered by laser pressure catapult into a microfuge tube cap. Cutting accuracy of less than 1 µm can be achieved.
The source material can be placed on a normal objective glass slide or on a membrane slide, and can be used with frozen or paraffin-embedded tissue samples, single cells, and even single chromosomes.
– Microscope Stand: Zeiss AxioVert 200M
– Digital Cameras:
| Axiocam MRc Rev.3 (1388 × 1040 pixels; pixel size: 6.45 × 6.45 µm)
– Software:
| Axiovision 4.8 for imaging
| RoboSoftware 4.6, for laser microdissection
– Laser Microdissection Collectors:
| Collector Single Tube II 500
– Protocols:
| Zeiss Publication: LCM Protocol for RNA: FFPE (PDF)
| Zeiss Publication: LCM Protocol for RNA: frozen (PDF)
| Zeiss Publication: Laser Microdissection: a Key Technology for Microproteomics (PDF)