Spinning disk microscopy is an established imaging technique of choice for imaging both dynamic and photosensitive processes in living cells.
The Cell Observer Spinning Disk (SD) is a live cell imaging platform for high-speed confocal imaging using the CSU-X1M spinning disk technology from Yokogawa and a highly sensitive electron multiplying camera (EM-CCD Evolve Delta). The system is based on a motorized Carl Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 inverted microscope with Definite Focus.2, multi-channel acquisition, piezo x/y/z stage, DirectFRAP unit, and a full environmental chamber for temperature and atmosphere control.
The Definite Focus.2 allows hardware focus control during long time-lapse imaging to prevent focus drift. In addition, the DirectFRAP is the ideal solution for any type of laser manipulation in the living cell – FRAP, FLIP, photoactivation or conversion.
Almost the entire microscope, from filter wheels to sample incubation parameters, is computer-controlled via the Zen Blue 3.2 software.